• The Real Limitations of BigCommerce

    There are plenty of articles outlining the pros & cons of BigCommerce, but what about the real limitations you only discover after you start using the platform? With 3+ years of experience building custom enterprise stores on BigCommerce, I have many first hand insights that can help you avoid pitfalls on any-sized BC build.

  • Deploying WordPress on fly.io

    fly.io offers an interesting take on “NoOps” distributed application deployment. I deployed a Wordpress application on fly.io with some pretty cool possibilities.

  • Reverse-Engineering the Cloudflare Pages Deployment API

    I found a way to deploy to Cloudflare Pages without using Github/CLI. This will allow integrations that were previously impossible and also allows cool new features like ISR.

  • Simpler Data Migration with Google Sheets

    Data migration is one of those things that seems so easy at first, but quickly devolves into a pit of time-wasting & mistake-making. I have a workflow that doesn’t involve costly SAAS tools.

  • Building an MVP in WordPress

    Never in a million years did I think I would be writing a post advocating the use of Wordpress. So if you read that title with some skepticism, just hear me out. Wordpress can be more than just a CMS, it can be a starting point for projects that need to quickly get to MVP.